Incarceration at Shelby County — 201 Poplar
201 Poplar is the name of the Shelby County Criminal Justice Complex located in downtown Memphis. It is one of several jails throughout Shelby County, and houses only men at this location. Men who are imprisoned at this location are awaiting trial before a judge, but have not been sentenced yet. Currently, Kings of Grit runs programs with the young men at this location. Below are some statistics for 201 Poplar, along with a general idea of what it's like to be an inmate here.
How many men are currently in the Shelby County Jail?
The daily population at 201 Poplar (where Kings of Grit works) is around 2,585 inmates.* Approximately 70 of those inmates are juveniles.**
How long are these men at 201 Poplar?
The average length of stay for men at 201 Poplar is 34 days (this period can vary, and include up to 3 years, depending on the trial date and process).* This is the time between when an inmate is apprehended and charged with a crime, but has not yet been convicted of that crime and sentenced by a judge and/or jury.
How many men will pass through the Shelby County Prison system this year?
Around 56,000 inmates will pass through the prison system this year.** This includes all locations, and not just at 201 Poplar.
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